Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both frameworks

iOS 10 / Xcode 8 GM build getting the below, never had it before on Xcode 7. Any ideas?

objc[25161]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12049a910) and /Applications/ (0x1202c4210). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

(NOTE: Only seems to happen in simulator, does not appear on real device).

Main Idea

Main idea is simple:

If your app (or dependencies, such as Pods) uses framework, that uses explicit (or implicit) PhotoLibraryServices.framework or AssetsLibraryServices.framework as dependency, Xcode warns you (even if you are using only one of them). It might be Photos/PhotosUI.framework or AssetsLibrary.framework, or another (I don't have full list of dependencies, but it is possible).

What is the problem?

Class with name PLBuildVersion is defined in both PhotoLibraryServices.framework and AssetsLibraryServices.framework. Class name is unique in Objective-C (you can't define 2 classes with same name), so it is undefined which one will be used in runtime.

However, I think that it will not be a problem, because both classes have same methods and fields (checked this with disassembler) and I guess that both were compiled from the same source.

Radar is already sent.

As per answer from Apple employee on Apple's Developer Forum:

You don't control either of the class sources listed, so there isn't anything you can or should do – aside from Reporting a Bug.