How to get parent process in .NET in managed way

Solution 1:

Here is a solution. It uses p/invoke, but seems to work well, 32 or 64 cpu:

/// <summary>
/// A utility class to determine a process parent.
/// </summary>
public struct ParentProcessUtilities
    // These members must match PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION
    internal IntPtr Reserved1;
    internal IntPtr PebBaseAddress;
    internal IntPtr Reserved2_0;
    internal IntPtr Reserved2_1;
    internal IntPtr UniqueProcessId;
    internal IntPtr InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;

    private static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(IntPtr processHandle, int processInformationClass, ref ParentProcessUtilities processInformation, int processInformationLength, out int returnLength);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the parent process of the current process.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>An instance of the Process class.</returns>
    public static Process GetParentProcess()
        return GetParentProcess(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the parent process of specified process.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">The process id.</param>
    /// <returns>An instance of the Process class.</returns>
    public static Process GetParentProcess(int id)
        Process process = Process.GetProcessById(id);
        return GetParentProcess(process.Handle);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the parent process of a specified process.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="handle">The process handle.</param>
    /// <returns>An instance of the Process class.</returns>
    public static Process GetParentProcess(IntPtr handle)
        ParentProcessUtilities pbi = new ParentProcessUtilities();
        int returnLength;
        int status = NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, 0, ref pbi, Marshal.SizeOf(pbi), out returnLength);
        if (status != 0)
            throw new Win32Exception(status);

            return Process.GetProcessById(pbi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId.ToInt32());
        catch (ArgumentException)
            // not found
            return null;

Solution 2:

This code provides a nice interface for finding the Parent process object and takes into account the possibility of multiple processes with the same name:


Console.WriteLine("ParentPid: " + Process.GetProcessById(6972).Parent().Id);


public static class ProcessExtensions {
    private static string FindIndexedProcessName(int pid) {
        var processName = Process.GetProcessById(pid).ProcessName;
        var processesByName = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
        string processIndexdName = null;

        for (var index = 0; index < processesByName.Length; index++) {
            processIndexdName = index == 0 ? processName : processName + "#" + index;
            var processId = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "ID Process", processIndexdName);
            if ((int) processId.NextValue() == pid) {
                return processIndexdName;

        return processIndexdName;

    private static Process FindPidFromIndexedProcessName(string indexedProcessName) {
        var parentId = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Creating Process ID", indexedProcessName);
        return Process.GetProcessById((int) parentId.NextValue());

    public static Process Parent(this Process process) {
        return FindPidFromIndexedProcessName(FindIndexedProcessName(process.Id));

Solution 3:

This way:

public static Process GetParent(this Process process)
    using (var query = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
      "SELECT * " +
      "FROM Win32_Process " +
      "WHERE ProcessId=" + process.Id))
      return query
        .Select(p => Process.GetProcessById((int)(uint)p["ParentProcessId"]))
    return null;

Solution 4:

Here's my try at a managed solution.

It polls the performance counters for all processes and returns a dictionary of child PID to parent PID. Then you can check the dictionary with your current PID to see your parent, grandparent, etc.

It is overkill in how much info it gets, for sure. Feel free to optimize.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace PidExamples
    class ParentPid
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var childPidToParentPid = GetAllProcessParentPids();
            int currentProcessId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

            Console.WriteLine("Current Process ID: " + currentProcessId);
            Console.WriteLine("Parent Process ID: " + childPidToParentPid[currentProcessId]);

        public static Dictionary<int, int> GetAllProcessParentPids()
            var childPidToParentPid = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            var processCounters = new SortedDictionary<string, PerformanceCounter[]>();
            var category = new PerformanceCounterCategory("Process");

            // As the base system always has more than one process running, 
            // don't special case a single instance return.
            var instanceNames = category.GetInstanceNames();
            foreach(string t in instanceNames)
                    processCounters[t] = category.GetCounters(t);
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    // Transient processes may no longer exist between 
                    // GetInstanceNames and when the counters are queried.

            foreach (var kvp in processCounters)
                int childPid = -1;
                int parentPid = -1;

                foreach (var counter in kvp.Value)
                    if ("ID Process".CompareTo(counter.CounterName) == 0)
                        childPid = (int)(counter.NextValue());
                    else if ("Creating Process ID".CompareTo(counter.CounterName) == 0)
                        parentPid = (int)(counter.NextValue());

                if (childPid != -1 && parentPid != -1)
                    childPidToParentPid[childPid] = parentPid;

            return childPidToParentPid;

In other news, I learned how many performance counters there were on my machine: 13401. Holy cow.