List of all Windows 7 Event IDs and Sources?

I'm looking for a complete list of Sources + Event IDs for Windows 7.

I known there's many web site with built-in search to find informations about a specific source + event id such as but what I'm looking for a complete list of these informations or, better, a software providing such information.

Many years ago I was using a program providing this information but, unfortunately I don't remember which one: may be from the Windows 2000 Resource Kit... (?) EDIT: I remember I was using this utilty in Windows XP Professional and the name was event"somethings" (for sure not eventvwr.msc or eventcreate.exe...)

My purpose is to create warnings with The Task scheduler when an important errors happen in the event log, such as Hard Disk errors and so on.

Solution 1:

I don't believe that such a list exists today, since there are simply too many sources, each one managing its own errors.

Some places to find some of that information that I know of are :

Microsoft Events and Errors
Windows Security Log Events

The website bills itself as having the best database for events ids. You might be able to find more information from their search pages, but that required paying for a subscription (beware of auto-renewing subscriptions).