Laravel Passport Key path oauth-public.key does not exist or is not readable
You do not mention your installation steps. Presume you did the following:
composer require laravel/passport
Register the service provider inside config/app.php
Run the migrations
php artisan migrate
Lastly generate the keys using
php artisan passport:install
I see you are trying it on Windows. I saw an OpenSSL problem on Windows, might help you.
This is because you didn't generate Oauth keys using passport keys.
php artisan passport:keys
After that run the following command to generate a personal access client
php artisan passport:client --personal
Enter the details it asks you. Then you are done.
May be storage/oauth-private.key
and storage/oauth-private.key
is absent and you imported the old database. For this scenario please run the following command.
php artisan passport:keys
Try this solution if you imported the old database where passport related data already stored. Otherwise, follow the accepted answer.
Had the same error with Ubuntu and in my case the problem was with permissions, running this solved the issue:
sudo chown www-data:www-data storage/oauth-*.key