How to Undo More than Once in Excel for Mac?

I am using Excel for Mac version 16.28 and don't see how I would be able to Undo (Command Z) more than once as after undoing once a second undo will just undo the first undo and I have the state I started out with.

This doesn't seem to be an issue for other people.

Is there a setting to allow a deeper undo-redo chain in Excel for Mac?

Solution 1:

Have you actually tried?

As I have used CommandZ multiple times on formulae I have edited several times and it steps back through the changes sequentially. Even changes sheets as necessary.

On version 16.29 & 365, the help file says 100 actions can be undone but there are exceptions...

Just tested by entering 0 to 9 in separate cells - CommandZ goes back through deleting them in the order they were entered.