How to move files from a lot of folders into a single folder without moving the folders themselves?

Let's say I have the following files and folders.

High-Resolution Pics (Folder)

Low-Resolution Pics (Folder)


WashingtonDC006 (Folder)



WashingtonDC009 (Folder)

I want to move all the images that are in the WashingtonDC folders into High Resolution Pics without taking all of the unimportant files along with it, and all the WashingtonDC images that aren't in WashingtonDC folders into Low-Resolution Pics. How would I go about doing this through the terminal?

This is what the final result would look like.

High-Resolution Pics (Folder)

Low-Resolution Pics (Folder)

This is what you're looking for ?

mv *.jpg Low-Resolution\ Pics/ Moves all '.jpg' files in current directory to low res folder.

mv WashingtonDC00*/*.jpg ./High-Resolution\ Pics/ Moves all '.jpg' files in folders beginning with 'WashingtonDC00' into High res folder.

Files before:

├── High-Resolution\ Pics
│   ├── WashingtonDC002.jpg
│   └── image0.jpg
├── Low-Resolution\ Pics
├── WashingtonDC005.jpg
├── WashingtonDC006
│   ├── WashingtonDC006.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC0061.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC007.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC008.jpg
│   └── rubbish.txt
├── WashingtonDC007.jpg
└── WashingtonDC009
    ├── WashingtonDC009.jpg
    └── rubbish.txt

Files after:

├── High-Resolution\ Pics
│   ├── WashingtonDC002.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC006.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC0061.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC007.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC008.jpg
│   ├── WashingtonDC009.jpg
│   └── image0.jpg
├── Low-Resolution\ Pics
│   ├── WashingtonDC005.jpg
│   └── WashingtonDC007.jpg
├── WashingtonDC006
│   └── rubbish.txt
└── WashingtonDC009
    └── rubbish.txt