Is there any difference between 'baffling' and 'perplexing'? I'm especially interested in connotative aspect. Thanks in advance!

To me, 'perplexing' is something that describes a situation for Sherlock Holmes, i.e., something that a smart person can figure out; while 'baffling' is nearly impossible to understand, nevermind figure out, regardless of the intelligence of the addressee, i.e. to whom it is either perplexing or baffling.

Perplexing is more at 'involved' and 'complex'. From the Latin plectere "to twine, braid, fold". 1

Baffling was used by 18c. sailor's to describe winds that blow variously and make headway difficult. To say that something is baffling is to imply that there is no clear direction to look for a solution. 2