how to get repeating letters on 2019 16" MacBook Pro keyboard

so, as part of maybe, From which year do MacBook keyboards have no issues?

I have tried different settings w/ apple cs the other day to try and get the I, K and L to duplicate as happens to me sometimes. Of course they didnt. However, neither of us could get any letter to repeat when pressing and continuing to hold a key. I could not see a setting in preferences and the rep couldnt figure out how either. Can anyone tell me how to get repeating letters by pressing and holding a key? When I do it in this screen nothing happens. In pages if I press and hold the e lets say, a tiny window with a capital "E" opens and closes and while continuing to hold the key, the letter does not repeat.


Since 2011 default behavior in Mac OS has been for letter keys to not repeat when held down. Instead the Character Picker or Accent Menu appears where appropriate. Nothing to do with the link you mention. To get repeating keys, try opening Terminal and typing

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

and then restart.

In Pages if you press and hold e, you should get what is shown below if your OS is working properly.

enter image description here