In MacOS Catalina 10.15 on Safari, How do you disable Command-I from composing a new Mail message?

I realize a similar question to this has been asked, but it's not the same. The answers in that question are for older versions of MacOS. I'm asking this question specifically for MacOS Catalina 10.15.

macOS has a built in method for changing/adding keyboard shortcuts

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Go to Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
  3. Click the "+" button and select Safari from the Application drop down menu
  4. In the Menu Title box enter the EXACT wording of that menu selection "Email This Page" (it must be exact, capitalization, spaces, etc)
  5. Assign is a keyboard shortcut you would never use, like Shift-Command-Option-Ctrl-I
  6. Click Add and close system preferences

Note now that the Command-I in that menu has been changed to whatever you set it to, allowing you to set Command-I to something else, or just leaving it that way so you won't accidentally use it.