How to import Rhythmbox podcasts into Banshee?
I am not sure how to get the old podcasts out, but adding the podcasts and re-syncing can be done as shown below:
This is more a workaround then an answer. You can get a list of podcast that you are subscribed in Rhythmbox with:
apt-get install xgrep
xgrep -x '/rhythmdb/entry[@type="podcast-feed"]/location/text()' ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml | grep ^http | sort
You can get a list of podcasts you are subscribed to in Banshee with:
apt-get install sqlite3
echo "select Url from PodcastSyndications;" | sqlite3 -batch ~/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db | sort
This doesn't help you import them, as Banshee seems to have no way to add multiple Podcasts in one go, but at least it helps making sure that all Podcasts made it over when you manually added them.
One could probably write some SQL to insert the podcast list into Banshees config files, but I didn't try that.
I looked into this but found no precise solution.
However, given that there does not appear to be a way to do exactly what you desire, the following command-line script from may be the best thing available to you:
grep -A 5 -e podcast-feed rhythmdb.xml | grep -e "<location>" | sed 's: *</*[a-t]*>::g' > PodFeeds.txt
This outputs a new-line separated txt list of all the feed URLs that you are subscribed to in Rhythmbox. These may then be easily copied and pasted into whatever podcast player you want to use.