A good word for someone that is going to lots of big (global, local, folk) festivals?

I need a good word for someone that is going to lots of big festivals, but not partically limited to music, dance or something. Mostly like the national and local folk festivals. Thanks!

Solution 1:

A word in current use is festivalist:

festivalist, noun: One who frequents or enjoys festivals.

The Festivalista is an online magazine for festivalists -- or festivalistas, which sounds better to my ears.

Solution 2:

What comes to mind is fairgoer:



  1. [in combination] A person who attends a specified place or event, especially on a regular basis.
    ‘a filmgoer’

fair (2)


  1. A gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment.
    ‘I won a goldfish at the fair’

  2. A periodic gathering for the sale of goods.

    2.1 An exhibition to promote particular products.
    ‘the European Fine Art Fair’

    2.2 North American An annual competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc., held by a town, county, or state.

You could also use festival goer (or festivalgoer)



A person attending a music festival, film festival, etc.
‘a cheering crowd of festivalgoers’ ‘the majority of festivalgoers purchase tickets weeks in advance of the screenings’

In the US, at least, fairgoer would likely make people think of a state fair or a county fair. If that's not what you're looking for, festival might be the better choice.

And lastly, if you really want to stress the notion of going to lots of festivals, you could use an adjective such as professional (see #2.1) or serial (again, note #2.1).

Of course, 50 years ago, that would have been a deadhead. 8^)