How to increase menu and tab font size in IntelliJ JetBrains PyCharm, PhpStorm, RubyMine

I understand how to increase the font size within an editor tab, but I'd like to increase the font size of the main navigation menu and most importantly, the tab titles. These do not change when I zoom in or out of an editor tab (using Cmd + mouse wheel on OSX). I do not see anything in the preferences menus.

  1. Settings/Preferences
  2. Appearance & Behavior | Appearance
  3. Enable Use custom font option -- it will allow to change font used for GUI as well override its size.

enter image description here

In older (2018.2 and older) that option was named Override default fonts by:

enter image description here

Update to version 2019.3

Goto File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance

Enable Use custom font:Tahoma Size:12