Does Frequently used Memoji History reset If not used

This is a very important topic for me. The love of my life saw frequently used Memoji on my phone that she questioned. I don’t blame her, I would have asked also. my question is how long do “Frequently used Memoji” stay listed when not used. These Memoji where from before I met her. Will the frequently used memoji reset to a default When not used or stay at the last used for ever? Where do I find documentation on the Algorithm to show her they are not recent and just last used from long ago? Thanks. enter image description here

The Memoji stickers can be deleted in any app, tap the three dots, then tap the core Memoji and delete it. I’ve never seen them time out or go away, just new ones pile on top of the old as you use them.

memoji you might love or love to delete

Tap the Memoji identity you with to duplicate or delete.

screen shot of the tools to delete or duplicate a Memoji identity

As for the overall keyboard, you can reset all of the word suggestions, etc in the settings app. But you circled the Memoji which just exist until you delete the identities in the keyboard overlay itself.

  • Settings > General > Reset > Reset Keyboard Dictionary