Can I encrypt data in a way that it can be read normally but can't be copied or edited? [closed]

Solution 1:

If you can read it, you can copy it. A concept the RIAA or MPAA have yet to grasp.

Note: This answer is not considered a good answer according to Stack Exchange guidelines. However, it is retained due to its popularity and effectiveness in the context of the question.

Solution 2:

A "copy" is defined as reading data and then writing the same data to another location. Since he's read your data into his computer, the data will be under his control at the time. He can then do whatever he likes with it.

The one thing that may be barely possible is to protect your data against unauthorized modification. You'd need an NTFS or similar filesystem. But even in that case, he'd be able to read all data, format your disk, clear any permissions, and write all files back - possibly modified.

[edit] 500 GB is just billions of numbers. Let me boil it down to a simple example: 5. That's one number. You can read it, and nothing I can do will prevent you from writing down that number. Nor can I prevent you from writing the number 6.

Solution 3:

Nope, it is definitively not possible.

Solution 4:

Let's try to ask a little bit, do you want him not to modify files without your notice? If so, you could checksum all files and reverify.

Another way is a hardware write blocker, you may look here: