What's the longest speedrun world record?

Solution 1:

As @Diehe posted, the longest one for a 100% run is definitely this submission for Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon with 528h 16m 44s.
(It's worth noting that Snowfats is the only submitter of that category, so I'm not sure to define it a "record".)

Extra: this submission for Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean with 338h 43m 26s.
(In this case the leaderboard has more than one runner, and it's an actual first place in its category.)

I also tried to find the longest one for Any%:

  • This submission for Digimon World 2 with 16h 59m 58s.

  • This submission for Xenogears with 19h 41m 49s. (not an official category)

Feel free to point out if I missed something.

Solution 2:

There are also a special type of speed run where lower % (less items) takes precedent over time.

Twilight princess has a glitch where it involves looking at a rupee for 17 hours to bypass significant portions of the game


The run is explained here:

Solution 3:

Slightly different type of game, but a strong mention for Runescape, specifically old school runescape as it takes longer to max.

A mod tweeted the record for fastest "Maxing" (highest level in each skill) to be ~2136 hours. This is just for one game mode where you can trade other players. For a gamemode "ironman" where you are on your own and cannot trade, the record is ~3400 hours.

This is also just for what we call maxing which is 99 in every skill. You can take this further by getting 200million xp in all skills which is the max amount of xp in a skill. A handful of players have done this now, which is estimated to take about ~15,000 hours.


This equates to:

To put this into hours:
Normal: 2156
Ironman: 3522
Ultimate ironman: 4954
Hardcore ironman: 2863

Key points:

  • Normal is the fastest because you can trade and buy supplies to level up with
  • In Ironman game modes you play solo, you have to collect everything yourself and you cannot trade other players
  • Ultimate ironman is the longest because you have no bank, you have 28 spots in your "bag" and have to use it wisely
  • Hardcore ironman means you have 1 life, when you die you return to a normal ironman. Maxing this game mode tends to be faster than maxing a normal ironman because you tend to do less dangerous things such as bossing when you have one life, so you spend more time training and leveling up skills