Make Trashcan Carla friendly again using commands

Is there a way to make Trashcan Carla friendly again after you rob her? I tried things like disable and markfordelete but it didn't work.

It doesn't work because it's actually a hidden quest that you "completed".

Before you do any of this, do a full save, not a quick save. Since this is a "vanilla" quest (part of the base game), futzing around with it can sometimes have unintended bad consequences.

The quest id we're targetting is "caravanbase". You can see the stages by running the command ShowQuestStages caravanbase. (sqs is shorthand for ShowQuestStages if you find yourself doing this a lot.) The quest can be reset entirely using the resetquest caravanbase command.


sqs caravanbase
resetquest caravanbase

My current playthrough is in survival so I can't verify, but the above is from my notes from a previous playthrough when I did the same thing and regretted it.

Some googling brought up this reddit thread which has some additional commands if the above doesn't work.

However I've followed this set of commands in several playthroughs and they've always worked a charm. I can't say how mods might affect this, though -- I don't play with mods.