How to get console inside jsfiddle

How can I get the console to show in a fiddle on

I recently saw a fiddle that had the console embedded in the fiddle, anyone know how this can be done?

pretty simple one..



Just add the following URL to External Resources in jsfiddle, you will see console.log and console.error in the result screen.

  1. Expand the JavaScript panel
  2. Select jQuery Edge
  3. Select Firebug Lite.

Example of Settings

Which should add an inline console to the bottom of the results tab

Example of Output

  • click on that arrow next to JavaScript
  • and as FRAMEWORKS & EXTENSIONS select No-Libary (Pure JS)
  • paste your console.log('foo'); in JS box
  • under Resources add
    • or: under Resources add
  • and run your script hitting that Play button

I couldn't find any option for selecting the Firebug extension in the JavaScript gear option, and I didn't want to add external links/libraries, but there is another simple solution.

You can use your browser's built in console

Dev Tools Console