Linux web servers that support websockets?

I'm currently having a lots of difficulties trying to play with which needs websockets support from the server (reverse-proxying).

I was wondering, is there any other web servers out there that supports websockets?

The errors I'm having with nginx:

2012/05/22 02:19:34 [error] 28159#0: *5 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, 
server: localhost,
request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", 
upstream: "", 
host: "", referrer: "http://mywebad.dr/"

nginx doesn't natively support websockets. Looks like there is a tcp proxy module that can be compiled into nginx to do this.

But a few other discussions(here and on SO) seem to indicate that one would go down to node.js directly.

Given that you're using, I suspect you're already using node.js on the backend. Also, this blog post by the trello team is rather informative.

nginx has support for proxying WebSockets since version 1.3.13.

The only thing I've found so far that could conceivably be called documentation is this commit message.