How do I add new pronunciations to apple dictation?

I don't think that there is anything that is adjustable for Apple's dictation. I assume that you could use Text Replacements, but I don't think they are interactively called when dictating.

You might have more control if you used a third-party dictation software like Dragon Naturally Speaking.


My kids are dyslexic as well. I have used the text to speak to help them with their papers. I tell them to just their their thoughts out onto paper before going back and fixing any little issues that have come up from the dictation. It's also a way for them to proofread their work to make sure they make sense.

Mastering Dictation and Voice Control takes time. Some of the things to consider while dictating documents are:

  1. What Microphone Are You Using
  2. Input Volume For Your Microphone
  3. How Loud Are You Speaking - Test At Different Volumes
  4. How Fast Are You Speaking? - Test Different Speaking Rates
  5. How Far Away From The Microphone Are You? - Test Different Distances
  6. Consider Using Headset Microphone (AirPods) Rather Than The Built-In Microphone
  7. Background Noise -TV, Radio, Other People

All of those items, in one way or another, will impact your dictation accuracy. In a lot of ways, it’s a game of finesse.

While using Voice Control, simply speak the phrase ”Show Commands”. If you happen to be working in a document with text when you speak that phrase, the Voice Commands window should display all of the different text related Voice Commands for editing, navigating, and working with text.

One of my suggestions would be to take 20 or 30 minutes and play around with those Voice Commands in a text based document to get the hang of things. It won’t happen overnight but in time, you’ll start memorizing the voice commands and they will become second nature to you.

You are already starting to notice that Dictation can be stubborn at times. You mentioned…

every time I say 'theory' it writes 'fairy’

These are the steps I would take to fix that problem if I had that same issue. Let’s assume that no matter how many different ways I have tried to pronounce ‘theory’, Dictation just won’t get it right. I decided to select the word ‘fairy’, after it was inserted by Dictation, and I spoke the phrase “Make This Speakable” at which point this following window opened…

enter image description here

Once you have your new command set up the way you want it, click save. Now anytime you are dictating and say “fairy”, the word “theory” will be inserted into your document. In the event you actually need to use the word “fairy” in a document, simply speak the phrase “literal fairy” and “fairy” will be inserted instead.

More to come… dinner break