Trying to add cronjob results in ""LICENSE":0: bad minute"

You can't add a crontab entry by just running crontab <entry details>. In your case the shell expands the * with whatever filenames it finds in the current directory (which seems to be a file called LICENSE, replace crontab by echo to see what happened to the other *'s).

To add new entries to the crontab file run

export EDITOR=nano
crontab -e

add the line

* * * * * /Users/username/Downloads/reddit-notifications-master/

directly to the file and save it, then exit the editor again. You can verify that it got added by running crontab -l.

Some additional things to consider:

  • Run chmod +x /Users/username/Downloads/reddit-notifications-master/ to make sure the script is executable
  • Run type python3 in your shell and use the full path you get within to avoid issues with python3 not being in PATH
  • If is only used to launch the Python script you don't need the script at all, you can just add

    * * * * * /path/to/python3 Users/yogesh/Downloads/reddit-notifications-master/

    to your Crontab instead.