How do I use the GNOME Panel in Unity?

Solution 1:

The original author included this in the Question body rather than as an answer. As such I've made this a CW Answer.

Basically run gnome-panel and remove the top panel, and delete all the things we dont need from the panel, i only add the CPU Frequency Monitor to tweak the CPU Speeds.

  1. Run gnome-panel in the terminal (Don't close the terminal until finished with the instructions).

  2. A GNOME Classic desktop will appear over unity

  3. Remove the top panel for we can use the Unity panel. If you cannot right click it, press Alt + Super + Right Click.

  4. Unlock all the applets from the bottom panel (for we can remove some things we dont need 'cause the unity launcher already do some of this things).

  5. Remove everything you don't need from the panel.

  6. With the bottom gnome-panel empty add your applets.

  7. If you like to have the bottom bar extended over the launcher, you can stop here. If you don't continue the steps.

  8. Right click over the gnome-panel then choose properties.

  9. Uncheck the 'Expand' box.

  10. Add gnome-panel to startup applications..

This is a picture of my desktop! on the bottom the Cpu Applets