PostgreSQL Upsert differentiate inserted and updated rows using system columns XMIN, XMAX and others

Solution 1:

I think that this is an interesting question that deserves an in-depth answer; please bear with me if it is a little bit lengthy.

In short: Your guess is right, and you can use the following RETURNING clause to determine if the row was inserted and not updated:

RETURNING (xmax = 0) AS inserted

Now the detailed explanation:

When a row is updated, PostgreSQL does not modify the data, but creates a new version of the row; the old version will be deleted by autovacuum when it is no longer needed. A version of a row is called a tuple, so in PostgreSQL there can be more than one tuples per row.

xmax serves two different purposes:

  1. As stated in the documentation, it can be the transaction ID of the transaction that deleted (or updated) the tuple (“tuple” is another word for “row”). Only transactions with a transaction ID between xmin and xmax can see the tuple. An old tuple can be deleted safely if there is no transaction with a transaction ID less than xmax.

  2. xmax is also used to store row locks. In PostgreSQL, row locks are not stored in the lock table, but in the tuple to avoid overflow of the lock table.
    If only one transaction has a lock on the row, xmax will contain the transaction ID of the locking transaction. If more than one transaction has a lock on the row, xmax contains the number of a so-called multixact, which is a data structure that in turn contains the transaction IDs of the locking transactions.

The documentation of xmax is not complete, because the exact meaning of this field is considered an implementation detail and cannot be understood without knowing t_infomask of the tuple, which is not immediately visible via SQL.

You can install the contrib module pageinspect to view this and other fields of a tuple.

I ran your example, and this is what I see when I use the heap_page_items function to examine details (the transaction ID numbers are of course different in my case):

SELECT *, ctid, xmin, xmax FROM t;

│ i │ x  │ ctid  │  xmin  │  xmax  │
│ 1 │ 11 │ (0,2) │ 102508 │ 102508 │
│ 2 │ 22 │ (0,3) │ 102508 │      0 │
(2 rows)

SELECT lp, lp_off, t_xmin, t_xmax, t_ctid,
       to_hex(t_infomask) AS t_infomask, to_hex(t_infomask2) AS t_infomask2
FROM heap_page_items(get_raw_page('laurenz.t', 0));

│ lp │ lp_off │ t_xmin │ t_xmax │ t_ctid │ t_infomask │ t_infomask2 │
│  1 │   8160 │ 102507 │ 102508 │ (0,2)  │ 500        │ 4002        │
│  2 │   8128 │ 102508 │ 102508 │ (0,2)  │ 2190       │ 8002        │
│  3 │   8096 │ 102508 │      0 │ (0,3)  │ 900        │ 2           │
(3 rows)

The meanings of t_infomask and t_infomask2 can be found in src/include/access/htup_details.h. lp_off is the offset of the tuple data in the page, and t_ctid is the current tuple ID which consists of the page number and a tuple number within the page. Since the table was newly created, all data are in page 0.

Let me discuss the three rows returned by heap_page_items.

  1. At line pointer (lp) 1 we find the old, updated tuple. It originally had ctid = (0,1), but that got modified to contain the tuple ID of the current version during update. The Tuple was created by transaction 102507 and invalidated by transaction 102508 (the transaction that issued the INSERT ... ON CONFLICT). This tuple is not visible any more an will get removed during VACUUM.

    t_infomask shows that both xmin and xmax belong to committed transactions and consequently show when the tuples was created and deleted. t_infomask2 shows that the tuple was updated with a HOT (heap only tuple) update, which means that the updated tuple is in the same page as the original tuple and no indexed column was modified (see src/backend/access/heap/README.HOT).

  2. At line pointer 2 we see the new, updated tuple that was created by transaction the INSERT ... ON CONFLICT (transaction 102508).

    t_infomask shows that this tuple is the result of an update, xmin is valid, and xmax contains a KEY SHARE row lock (which is no longer relevant since the transaction has completed). This row lock was taken during INSERT ... ON CONFLICT processing. t_infomask2 shows that this is a HOT tuple.

  3. At line pointer 3 we see the newly inserted row.

    t_infomask shows that xmin is valid and xmax is invalid. xmax is set to 0 because this value is always used for newly inserted tuples.

So the nonzero xmax of the updated row is an implementation artifact caused by a row lock. It is conceivable that INSERT ... ON CONFLICT is reimplemented one day so that this behaviour changes, but I think that is unlikely.