Where is the "man from a foreign land" in Hyrule Town?

So I'm currently playing through the Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap for the first time. I have currently beaten the first dungeon and I have collected the earth element.

I went exploring Hyrule Town and while there, I found a man in a house claiming that he is "from a foreign land". His house also contains a "shrinking jar".

After searching his house for another ten minutes later that session, I can't seem to find his house again.

Is it currently unavailable at this point in the story or did I overlook something?

If possible, please mark his house on the map as I'm notoriously bad at following instructions.

I'm really sorry to everybody who helped and took the time to write an answer. My memory tricked me; The house containing the shrinking jar I was referencing was actually in the shoemaker's house on the main square:
