How to restore a previous version of file in Notepad++

I know this question is ancient, but I thought someone would benefit from my solution. I had NP++ crash while trying to save my file and the result was losing not only the changes but the original file as well. I did some digging around in the directory structure of my user account (C:\users\<user>\) and found that there is a handy temporary folder for NP++. It had the copy of my file which was to be written to the disk.

Check this location if you have the same problem and are using Windows 7: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup

Notepad++ does have file versioning.

In Settings > Preferences > Backup there is an option "Verbose backup".

enter image description here

This saves a new copy of the file into the "Custom Backup Directory". The current date/time is appended to the filename.

With "Simple backup" just the previous version of the file is saved.

Check Windows previous versions, right click, Properties, Previous Versions

Previous Versions