How to change the MAC address of pc? [duplicate]
I am currently using ubuntu 13.04 along With windows 7. But I want to change my MAC address of pc. Is there any way to change it.
Solution 1:
In a command line (terminal), run:
sudo ifconfig eth0 down
sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
sudo ifconfig eth0 up
That's sufficient for the current user's session. However, in order for the changes to persist, you must also edit /etc/network/interfaces
and create or modify an entry for the interface. For example:
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hwaddress ether 08:00:00:00:00:01
Solution 2:
You can install macchanger
sudo apt-get install macchanger
macchanger --mac=01:23:45:67:89:AB eth1
Solution 3:
In Ubuntu you can clone a Mac address in the network settings.
Click on the network icon in the top bar and select Edit connections
. Select your current network and hit Edit. In the Ethernet tab you should see your actual device MAC and a field to enter the MAC you want to clone.