Explorer does not auto-refresh

When I create a folder or copy files, after the operation finishes I have to manually refresh the Explorer window (F5). For example, when I create a folder, I don't see the "New Folder" until I hit F5.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Solution 1:

Here is an incredibly simple solution that worked for me. It may work for you as well:

  • In Windows Explorer: choose Tools, Folder Options > Click the Search tab > Check or uncheck ANY option
  • Apply.
  • If this solves your problem, you can revert to your original setting and the problem will remain solved.

For Windows 10, the folder option is updated to View -> Option in Windows Explorer

Solution 2:

Refer to Windows 7 does not refresh folder views on Microsoft Answers and Windows Explorer doesn't refresh when moving/deleting. Several posters stated that the issue pertains to the Windows UI Shell and several solutions exist:

  • Remove a "Network Connection" that points to a server that is not currently available.
  • Disable the Client for Microsoft Networks in properties of Local Area Connection.
  • Or simply going through Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View, then click 'Reset Folders'.

Let me know if these links help you out!