Make a arrow disappear on ground bedrock edition

I'm trying to make a game where a team shoots a arrow and if it misses it despawns and respawns in the middle. How can I make the arrow disappear?

You can always put a command in a command block:

/execute @e[type=arrow] ~~~ detect ~~~ <block> <data, likely 0> kill @e[type=arrow]

Set the configuration of the command block to:

Always Active

This may help you, but, if you shoot multiple arrows, they're all getting killed so I would recommend aiming good/don't spam or try this:

/kill @e[type=arrow]

But, you're doing the ticks on how long the arrow is able to fly. Keep in mind that 20 Ticks equals roughly 1 second. Finally, to prevent message spam on the screen, disable command block output:

/gamerule commandblockoutput false