Apache won't start - unable to find IPv4 address of "(none)"
While not the ideal solution if you need it, disabling mod_unique_id
should fix the issue at hand.
#LoadModule unique_id_module modules/mod_unique_id.so
In case anyone else encounters this, here's how I solved it on Gentoo: make sure the ServerName inside /etc/apache2/httpd.conf matches an address or an alias from your /etc/hosts file.
next thing you want to make sure is that you have these 2 lines inside /etc/host.conf:
order hosts, bind
multi on
these lines tells apache to consult /etc/hosts file thus it can find the name server there.
to fix the error, edit the /etc/hosts
file and add your computer ip localhost {computerName}
replace {computerName}
with your computer name in /etc/hostname