How do I style radio buttons with images - laughing smiley for good, sad smiley for bad?

Solution 1:

Let's keep them simple, shall we. First off, using pure HTML + CSS:

<div id="emotion">
    <input type="radio" name="emotion" id="sad" />
        <label for="sad"><img src="sad_image.png" alt="I'm sad" /></label>

    <input type="radio" name="emotion" id="happy" />
        <label for="happy"><img src="happy_image.png" alt="I'm happy" /></label>

This will degrade nicely if there's no JavaScript. Use id and for attributes to link up the label and radiobutton so that when the image is selected, the corresponding radiobutton will be filled. This is important because we'll need to hide the actual radiobutton using JavaScript. Now for some jQuery goodness. First off, creating the CSS we'll need:

.input_hidden {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9999px;

.selected {
    background-color: #ccc;

#emotion label {
    display: inline-block;
    cursor: pointer;

#emotion label img {
    padding: 3px;

Now for the JavaScript:

$('#emotion input:radio').addClass('input_hidden');
$('#emotion label').click(function(){

The reason why we're not using display: none here is for accessibility reasons. See: for a live demo, with something more fancy.

Solution 2:

You can take advantage of CSS3 to do that, by hidding the by-default input radio button with CSS3 rules:

.class-selector input{

And then using labels for images as the following demos:

JSFiddle Demo 1

From top to bottom: Unfocused, MasterCard Selected, Visa Selected, Mastercard hovered

JSFiddle Demo 2

Visa selected

Gist - How to use images for radio-buttons

Solution 3:

Here's a pure HTML+CSS solution.


<div class="image-radio">
  <input type="radio" value="true" checked="checked" name="ice_cream" id="ice_cream_vanilla">
  <label for="ice_cream_vanilla">Vanilla</label>
  <input type="radio" value="true" name="ice_cream" id="ice_cream_chocolate">
  <label for="ice_cream_chocolate">Chocolate</label>


  // use an image instead of the native radio widget
.image-radio {   
  input[type=radio] {
    display: none;
  input[type=radio] + label {
    background: asset-url('icons/choice-unchecked.svg') no-repeat left;
    padding-left: 2rem;
  input[type=radio]:checked + label {
    background: asset-url('icons/choice-checked.svg') no-repeat left;

Solution 4:

With pure html (no JS), you can't really substitute a radio-button for an image (at least, I don't think you can). You could, though use the following to make the same connection to the user:

<form action="" method="post">
       <input type="radio" name="feeling" id="feelingSad" value="sad" /><label for="feelingSad"><img src="path/to/sad.png" /></label>
       <label for="feelingHappy"><input type="radio" name="feeling" id="feelingHappy" value="happy" /><img src="path/to/happy.png" /></label>

Solution 5:

I have edited one of the previous post. Now, it is way more simple and it works perfectly.

<input style="position: absolute;left:-9999px;" type="radio" name="emotion" id="sad" />
<label for="sad"><img src="red.gif" style="display: inline-block;cursor: pointer;padding: 3px;" alt="I'm sad" /></label>

<input  style="position: absolute;left:-9999px;" type="radio" name="emotion" id="happy" />
<label for="happy"><img src="blue.gif" style="display: inline-block;cursor: pointer;padding: 3px;" alt="I'm happy" /></label>