How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate]

Place your ProgressDialog in onPreExecute, sample code below:

private ProgressDialog pdia;

protected void onPreExecute(){ 
        pdia = new ProgressDialog(yourContext);

protected void onPostExecute(String result){

and in your onClickListener, just put this line inside:

new EfetuaLogin().execute(null, null , null);

The final solution which worked is taking all the code from OnClickListener to doInBackground method from AsyncTask implementation. Now the code is like:


OnClickListener loginListener = new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            /* Translation note: Original text: "Executando OnClickListener" */
            Log.d(TAG, "OnClickListener has been called");

            /* Translation note: Original text: "faz chamada assincrona" */
            // Make an asynchronous call
            new EfetuaLogin().execute();

All the work happens in EfetuaLogin AsyncTask implementation:

class EfetuaLogin extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, String> {

        private final static String TAG = "LoginActivity.EfetuaLogin";

        protected ProgressDialog progressDialog;

        protected void onPreExecute()
            Log.d(TAG, "Executando onPreExecute de EfetuaLogin");
            //inicia diálogo de progresso, mostranto processamento com servidor.
            progressDialog =, "Autenticando", "Contactando o servidor, por favor, aguarde alguns instantes.", true, false);

        /* Translation note: Original text: "Object... parametros"
        protected String doInBackground(Object... parameters) {
            /* Translation note: Original text: "Executando doInBackground de EfetuaLogin" */
            Log.d(TAG, "Executing doInBackground of EfetuaLogin");
            TextView tLogin = (TextView) findViewById(;
            TextView tSenha = (TextView) findViewById(;
            String sLogin = tLogin.getText().toString();
            String sSenha = tSenha.getText().toString();

            if (sLogin.equals("") | sSenha.equals("")) {
                  Translation notes:
                  1) "Campos Obrigatórios" -> "Required fields"
                  2) "Os campos Login e Senha são obrigatórios para autenticação do Anototudo." -> "Login and Password fields are required for Anototudo authentication."
                Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK("Required fields", "Login and Password fields are required for Anototudo authentication.", LoginActivity.this);
                return null;
            } else {
                Pattern regEx = Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+");
                Matcher matcher = regEx.matcher(sLogin);
                if (!matcher.matches()) {
                      Translation notes:
                      1) "Formato e-mail inválido" -> "Invalid email format"
                      2) "O formato do campo e-mail está inválido" -> "The email field has an invalid format"
                    Alerta.popupAlertaComBotaoOK("Invalid email format", "The email field has an invalid format",
                    return null;

            List<NameValuePair> listaParametros = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
            listaParametros.add(new BasicNameValuePair("login", sLogin));
            listaParametros.add(new BasicNameValuePair("senha", sSenha));
            /* Translation note: Original text: "valores recuperados dos campos de login e senha: " */
            Log.d(TAG, "values retrieved from login and password fields:" + sLogin + " | " + sSenha);

            /* Translation note: Original text: "Reutiliza cliente HttpClient disponibilizado pela Aplicação." */
            // Reuses `HttpClient` made available by the Application.
            AnototudoApp atapp = (AnototudoApp) LoginActivity.this.getApplication();
            HttpClient httpClient = atapp.getHttpClient();

            String result = null;
            try {
                result = HttpProxy.httpPost(AnototudoMetadata.URL_AUTENTICACAO, httpClient, listaParametros);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "IOException, Sem conectividade com o servidor do Anototudo! " + e.getMessage());
                return result;
            return result;

        protected void onPostExecute(String result)

            if (result == null || result.equals("")) {
                  Translation notes:
                  1) "Dados incorretos" -> "Incorrect data"
                  2) "Os dados informados não foram encontrados no Sistema! Informe novamente ou cadastre-se antes pela internet." -> "The reported data was not found in the System! Please report again or sign up on the internet first."
                                "Incorrect data",
                                "The reported data was not found in the System! Please report again or sign up on the internet first.",
            /* Translation note: Original text: "Login passou persistindo info de login local no device" */
            Log.d(TAG, "Login passed persisting local login info on device");
            ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
            contentValues.put(AnototudoMetadata.LOGIN_EMAIL, sLogin);
            contentValues.put(AnototudoMetadata.LOGIN_SENHA, sSenha);
            contentValues.put(AnototudoMetadata.LOGIN_SENHA_GERADA, result);
            LoginDB loginDB = new LoginDB();
            loginDB.addLogin(LoginActivity.this, contentValues);
            /* Translation note: Original text: "Persistiu info de login no device, redirecionando para menu principal do Anototudo" */
            Log.d(TAG, "Persisting login info on device, redirecting to Anototudo main menu");
            /* Translation note: Original text: "O retorno da chamada foi ==>> " */
            Log.d(TAG, "The callback was ==>>" + result);
            /* Translation note: Original text: "tudo ok chama menu principal" */
            // everything ok call main menu
            /* Translation note: Original text: "Device foi corretametne autenticado, chamando tela do menu principal do Anototudo." */
            Log.d(TAG, "Device has been correctly authenticated by calling the main menu screen of Annotate.");

            String actionName = "";
            Intent intent = new Intent(actionName);


Now it works as expected but I have to say I am a bit confused as AsyncTask documentation says you could use execute to pass parameters to your task.