LibreOffice shows many icons on the Launcher, what can I do about this?

When I run LibreOffice it shows another icon at the launcher. If I open new files it will keep showing new icons for each file.

When I run it from the terminal it does not return any error messages.

Here's the image:

enter image description here

Solution 1:

As someone else posted I do not see this issue. I see the following when opening lots of new files of the same application i.e. Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress.

lo multifile

I think the needs clarification but it could be a bug and make sure you are installing from Natty's official repository and not an old PPA.

The only thing I can add is that I have a custom libreoffice launcher, hence the white writer icon.

Solution 2:

I can't see any identical icons in the sidebar, it will open separate icons for LibreOffice Writer, Calc, Impress because they are all separate programs. Is this what you mean? Sorry I can't be of more help.

Solution 3:

It's meant to do that, I'm not sure of a work-around to stop it.

Solution 4:

Each new opened file in LibroOffice will have its own icon on the sidebar. It's exactly as OpenOffice was used to do in ubuntu 10.10

Solution 5:

This is normal behaviour, even if it seems a bit odd. LibreOffice/OpenOffice create separate windows for every document, and unity tracks each window as a separate window due to the way LibreOffice reports itself to the window manager. Hopefully this problem will go away in future versions of LibreOffice, but unfortunately there is nothing you can do at this point, other than maybe grouping the windows with the compiz plugin, (which may not actually group the icons on the launcher - I cannot be sure because I have not tested this as yet).