How common is it for iPhone users to NOT be running iOS 10+?

I'm building an app in which I want to use a module that works only for iPhones with iOS 10 and above.

I know I can never assume that everyone is using a given version, but I just wanted some insight into how common it might be that someone would be using a version less than 10?

I've always kept my own phone up to date, but I don't know the repercussions and likelihood of someone not updating it.

how common it might be that someone would be using a version less than 10?

Based on the publicly shared data by Apple (linked below), a very few percentage of currently active iPhone devices are a version of iOS that's less than 10.

So if your question is along the lines of, how many potential users do I lose if I drop support for iOS 9 and earlier, the answer would be a very few.

This should help you get a perspective:

  • App Store - Support - Apple Developer

iOS and iPadOS Usage

The webpage is updated by Apple on a regular basis. The statistics are drawn from currently active devices (ones which have an active Internet connection and visits the App Store app).

The snapshot above is captured at the time of writing the answer.

According to Apple as of Jan 2020:

  • 77% of all devices introduced in the last four years use iOS 13
  • 17% of all devices introduced in the last four years use iOS 12
  • 70% of all devices use iOS 13
  • 23% of all devices use iOS 12

enter image description here

This is the only breakdown I could find from Apple. Other breakdowns might exist from 3rd party analytic sites.

It looks like there's a very small number of users on iOS 10, based upon n these stats.