Can I use the word "library" to refer to collections of things other than books or software?
Solution 1:
- A place set apart to contain books, periodicals, and other material for reading, viewing, listening, study, or reference, as a room, set of rooms, or building where books may be read or borrowed.
- A collection of any materials for study and enjoyment
The word library is often used for categorical collections. It could be a collection of refrence materials. Books or other forms of media like audio cd's, DVD's and magazines are forms of reference and entertainment. You could simply say you have a 'collection of hedgehogs' or use a thesaurus to find synonyms.
Solution 2:
I think a library implies that the objects are labeled or organized in some fashion, or used as a reference. So perhaps if you had a museum of stuffed hedgehogs from different time periods you could refer to it as a library of hedgehogs.