My photos disk seems to have issues. Osx cannot mount it again. Also, the first aid utility is not successful

dev/disk2 (external, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *2.0 TB     disk2
   1:               Windows_NTFS Fotos                   2.0 TB     disk2s1

sudo fsck_exfat -d disk2s1
Opening /dev/rdisk2s1
fsck_exfat: Can't open /dev/rdisk2s1: Resource busy

How can I recover the data? Is it possible to repair the partitions?


I just found:

How can I repair a disk that Disk Utility says it can't repair? You may not need to repair the disk!

Is this an external drive you're sharing between a Mac and a Windows PC? I've had this issue a few times with a disk formatted FAT32. If you don't unmount your disk properly when you remove it from your Windows PC, the whole volume will be marked as "busy" and you'll be prompted to repair the volume if you look at it in Apple's Disk Utility. However Disk Utility will fail to repair the volume, and report: Can't open (Resource busy) File system check exit code is 8.

The fix is easy, just plug that drive back in to a Windows PC, and unmount it properly before plugging it into your Mac.

Solution 1:

Finally, I tried Windows 10 own recovery tool. This one worked and could recover fix the issues.