timemachine doesn't start or send errors

Time Machine is stuck here in this screen i erased my drive to be formatted as journaled and it looks like this now but time machine doesn't respond after configurationhere is the backup drive after format

I just got the option to use drive as a backup and i chose yes even when i select backup disk nothing happens

this is what i do but nothing happen enter image description here

Time machine doesn’t want to back up part of one disk to another disk, but your screen shot seems to show that. To be sure, I would confirm you are not just splitting up one drive and have two devices to set this up.

It might be possible to convince Time Machine from the command line to backup, so if you’re up for that, here are the two commands I would use to get you started:

diskutil list

And then

tmutil destinationinfo 

Based on your specific naming, you might be able to add your drive - being careful with characters like ( and ) - I would probably make your backup volume just “backup” without any punctuation like the smart quotes to the left

tmutil setdestination /volumes/backupdrivename

this will tell you where the error exists and try to search for it. maybe a permission error. remember you maybe have to try the same command with 'sudo'

if the config is done but it won't start try to start the backup from command also

tmutil startbackup && tmutil status

you will notice that backup started at timemachine app