Blender vs. Unity [closed]

I want to make a 3D game, preferably one that can be played in a browser. Some people say blender, some say unity. What are the pros and cons of each?

Blender and Unity are not the same things.

Unity is a game engine, which means that its purpose is to create games, and you can program in it using C# or JavaScript. But you cannot make 3d models in it.

While Blender is a program for modelling mainly. You can create applications or games in it but it is not the program's main purpose.

For Unity, you can create 3D models/animations, and import them but I am not sure if it's compatible with Blender but, it is compatible with Maya.

I would recommend Unity more for making a Game because it also has web support, but it requires installing a plugin.

On the Unity Website you can find documentation and examples to help you get started.

At the risk of sounding insolent, I'll have to disagree with mklfarha's answer. Although it's just my own opinion, I am much more partial to the Blender game engine. When you reach a certain level of proficiency at programming and modelling, the Blender game engine allows much more freedom of choice for game types and in-game mechanics. It's also open-source, meaning you'll never have to worry about copyright.

Having said this, Unity is much better for beginners, as many functions for the game are already built-in, such as the movement of characters and pathfinding. Also, for extreme hardcore programmers needing to squeeze every last drop of power from the computer, Unity would be better, as it is much better optimised graphically and in all other aspects, although if you're encompassed by my last statement, you'd already know all I've said here and more.