Mongodb ubdate on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

I installed MongoDB on live VPS to write logs. The server is running on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Mongodb version is 2.0.3. I want to upgrade to latest version (2.0.5) but I want to upgrade only MongoDB. I made test on my desktop with apt-get upgrade and everything is OK after the upgrade. However on my VPS I prefer to update just MongoDB. Any help is appreciated.

Solution 1:

I'm assuming that MongoDB is available in a configured apt repository. You can upgrade only certain packages by listing them in an install command, like this:

apt-get install mongodb

(You should however be keeping your server up to date with packages in the lucid-security repository though.)

Solution 2:

I'm guessing you accepted mgorven's answer because running apt-get update resolved your issue. To make it clear for anyone else, to get the latest releases of MongoDB on an apt based system, follow the instructions here:

The relevant line to add to your sources list for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is:

deb dist 10gen

Then (after importing the key and running an apt-get update), you should install using:

sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen

If you install just using "mongodb" you will get a very old release from the 10.04 repositories instead (1.6.x if I remember correctly).

Once the 10gen package is installed, sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade will take care of installing new versions for you.