Formatted hd disk wrong. Can’t restor time machine or install new OS. MacBook Pro 2017

I was trying to restore a time machine backup but then messed everything up as I had erased the wrong disks and was just being a downright idiot for erasing drives. Now I can’t install a fresh OS or restore time machine. Is there any way I can reformat the drives in disk utility to be about to reinstall a new OS? Here are the images:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

From your third picture, that's the drive you need to format.

Click the drive name, as you have in that image, then click Erase [top centre] & supply a name. The rest will automatically be set to the correct parameters - Mac OS Extended (Journaled) & GUID Partition Map.

Apple Partition Map is a very old format type, for 68k & PowerPC Macs, not in general use any more.

On installing Sierra the system will likely change that Mac OS Extended (HFS+) format to APFS, but that will be automatic & need not concern you at this juncture.