RealmChangeListener does not get called when Realm gets updated in NotificationListenerService

I'm doing Realm insertions on a extended NotificationListenerService, like this:

public class NLService extends NotificationListenerService {

    public void onNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) {

        // building realmObject here

        mRealm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
        RealmHelper.saveObj(myRealmObject, mRealm);
    //  mRealm.waitForChange(); / mRealm.refresh();

public class RealmHelper {

    public static RealmModel saveObj(RealmObject realmObject, Realm realm) {
        RealmObject newRealmObject = realm.copyToRealm(realmObject);
        return newRealmObject;

Using Realm newer than v0.88.3, not a single RealmChangeListener (rcl) gets called if anything gets inserted in NLService.

I tried attaching rcl's directly to Realm, RealmResults and RealmObject, nothing works.

The App has for example simple rcl's for RealmResults<myRealmObject>.size() and several RecyclerAdapters and the rcl inside RealmRecyclerViewAdapter is never called.

Rerunning queries however works and the "missing data" shows up. Also if anything gets inserted on ui- or any other thread, rcl's get called and "missing data" shows up.

I stayed for months on Realm 0.88.3 because I can not bring it to work with any newer Realm version. With 0.88.3 mRealm.refresh(); was called in NLService, this is not available in newer versions and .waitForChange blocks endlessly.


        <action android:name="android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService"/>

I can see two solutions to this, either use a looper thread (HandlerThread) with setAutoRefresh(true) (and call setAutoRefresh(false) before Looper.quit()), or force a refresh for the Realm instance on the thread.

NOTE: This relies on package-internal methods. Beware.

In v 1.1.1 (and v1.2.0), - and any version before 3.0.0 - instead of the following line

//  mRealm.waitForChange(); / mRealm.refresh();

You could force the update on the local thread through the HandlerController associated with the Realm instance using package-internal stuff

package io.realm;

public class RealmRefresh {
    public static void refreshRealm(Realm realm) {
        Message message = Message.obtain();
        message.what = HandlerControllerConstants.LOCAL_COMMIT;

And then call

    mRealm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
    RealmHelper.saveObj(myRealmObject, mRealm);

Please note the change log's breaking changes though, because 0.89.0 changed iteration behavior, and results are no longer live during an active transaction; but from 3.0.0 they are again.

However, I must also note that if your NotificationListenerService is running in a remote process, then the Realm instances won't be able to notify each other.


In Realm Java 3.0.0, the notification behavior was changed completely, and HandlerController no longer exists.

Instead, the following should work:

package io.realm;

public class RealmRefresh {
    public static void refreshRealm(Realm realm) {


In Realm 3.2.+, this is all available with
