how to un fork the github repository?

How to un fork a github repository?

I have never seen unfork option anybody knows how to do that?

Update: There's now an automated solution


Original Post

As of now Github doesn't have an unfork option, so the only solution is to delete the forked repo.

Warning: The following solution will delete your cloned repo. If you want unfork without your repo is being deleted try this

Step 1: Goto Settings of Repo you want to unfork

Step 2: Click Delete this Repository enter image description here

Step 3: Enter your name / Repo name

Step 4: click "I understand the consequences, delete this repository" button

enter image description here

GitHub support can do this for you.

  1. Go to this link
  2. Type in "unfork"
  3. Let the virtual assistant help you

They completed the process for me within 1 minute after that.

Option 1: Rename, import, delete

  1. Rename your old fork (e.g. repo.old)

  2. Import your old fork as a new repo (Note: provide the https:// or git:// URI of the old fork)

  3. Delete / archive the old fork

Note: the "import" option is an option when creating stuff:

"Import repository"

Option 2: Clone, delete, create, push

  1. Back up your repo! E.g. git clone to your local file system.
  2. Delete the original repo from GitHub (See the other answer...)
  3. Create a new repo with the same name
  4. Push your local backup to the new GitHub repo

I recommend option 1.

Whatever you do, back up your work! Especially if you follow the other answer, which just tells you to delete your repo...