Email on iPad not showing after some days

After a few days my older emails on iPad2 stop showing in the inbox. Dont find any clue where they went.

Does the mail program store the older emails elsewhere? How can i show all the emails and not just the newer ones?

Solution 1:

Go to:

Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars

Scroll down to the "Mail" section and look at "Show." Mine is set to show the 50 most recent messages. Maybe this is why older emails seem to disappear? To test, try setting this to a higher value; it allows you to set it as high as 1000 messages.

Solution 2:

If you have an Exchange account or even a Gmail account configured as an Exchange account, there is an option in the email settings for Exchange to only sync up to a certain number of days worth of email. By default, it it set to 3 days. You can change this by going to Settings > Mail, Contacts & Calendars, tap on the email account in question and change the "Mail Days to Sync" option from 3 days to whatever you desire (I use No Limit).

Hope this helps.