Ultima 6 Clue to clean shrines with the runes

I'm trying to figure out how i can free the shrines from the gargoyles

1 British's quest to free the shrines

after fighting the gargoyles, i talked with British and he send me to a quest to free the shrines. He told me to ask Geoffrey for further details.

2 Geoffrey and the Guards

Geoffrey told me that a group of guards went to free the shrine of compassion. they failed and i should talk to a wounded warrior in Cove, his name would be Gertan.

3 Gertan and the force field

Gertan in Cove told me they failed because the gargoyles use foul magic, a force field prevents them from freeing the shrines.


how do i know that i have to use the Runes and the Mantra to clean the shrines? - no one told me to do that so far! as well, no one told me that the mayor knows who has the rune.

Solution 1:

I think that the general intended flow of the quest is like this:

  • travel to Cove and find the wounded soldiers resting ad the healer hut.
  • talk to Gertan who only tells you about the field
  • ask around the city
  • find the mayor of the city, Viscount Ahrmaand.

Ask him about Gertan thou shalt:

"A party of adventurers came here after their attempt to defeat the gargoyles at the Shrine of Compassion." "I spoke with their leader when they arrived." "Thou shouldst speak with him thyself. He told of a strange violet energy field." "I think mayhap 'tis similar to the force which blocked entry to the shrines many years ago." "The eight mystic runes were most useful in those days."

About the runes shalt thee continue:

"Use the Rune of Compassion whilst chanting the Mantra of Compassion." "Methinks this may negate the gargoyle's magic at that shrine."

And finally, asking about the Mantra shalt send thou back where thou cometh from.

"Ask Lord British's Chancellor, Tholden." "He canst tell thee of the mantra, and like as not he will also know of the rune."

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