How do I set the number of workspaces without CCSM?

Solution 1:

If you still can not use CCSM you could also add an indicator. See the image:


Add ppa:geod/ppa-geod to your Software Sources, update and then search for indicator workspaces or do a sudo apt-get install indicator-workspaces


  • What are PPAs and how do I use them?

Solution 2:

I don't see why ccsm wouldn't work, but if you really want to do it on the command line, you can directly access gconf.

Open Terminal and try these commands.

Running this in a terminal will tell you your current setting:

gconftool --get /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/hsize

Running this will change your horizontal and vertical size to 3:

gconftool --set /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/hsize --type=int 3
gconftool --set /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/vsize --type=int 3

If you have multiple screens or other complications, then this might not work.

Solution 3:

Did you change the horizontal and vertical size? These change the number of workspaces. I would have expected it to be 'number of desktops' but it is the other 2 you need to change ;-)

Desktop Size in general options

Like the image shows mine is 3 by 2.

Solution 4:

a round-about way, but easy enough is the following:

open a terminal and type in


the top and bottom original gnome menu bars appear and on the bottom one you will see the workspaces icon which you can then right-click and properties in the usual manner.

close the terminal and if the menu bars remain, just right click them each individually and remove them... click on your workspace icon in the unity side-menu and you will now see the amount of desktops you set.