Are there Fingerprint Readers that Can Connect to my Macbook?

I'm building an app that requires fingerprint scanning. However, I've noticed most fingerprint scanners out there only connect to Windows Devices. Is there a way to get a fingerprint scanner connected to my Macbook? I only need to get the picture of the fingerprint.

Solution 1:

I assume your laptop does not come with Touch ID. The only 3rd party unit I know of is the Eikon To Go USB Fingerprint Reader. Made to work on Macs. You can find it here, and here. This unit is described on many other web sites. Just Google it to see other sites. I think this unit is out of production but Amazon advertises the reader. I'd check to make sure its compatible with your system software.

Do you own a regular scanner? Since you only need a print of your fingerprint, have you thought of scanning your finger by holding it down on scanner screen and scanning it?