How can I hook into Perl's print?

Solution 1:

There are a number of built-ins that you can override (see perlsub). However, print is one of the built-ins that doesn't work this way. The difficulties of overriding print are detailed at this perlmonk's thread.

However, you can

  1. Create a package
  2. Tie a handle
  3. Select this handle.

Now, a couple of people have given the basic framework, but it works out kind of like this:

package IO::Override;
use base qw<Tie::Handle>;
use Symbol qw<geniosym>;

sub TIEHANDLE { return bless geniosym, __PACKAGE__ }

sub PRINT { 
    # You can do pretty much anything you want here. 
    # And it's printing to what was STDOUT at the start.
    print $OLD_STDOUT join( '', 'NOTICE: ', @_ );

tie *PRINTOUT, 'IO::Override';
our $OLD_STDOUT = select( *PRINTOUT );

You can override printf in the same manner:

sub PRINTF { 
    # You can do pretty much anything you want here. 
    # And it's printing to what was STDOUT at the start.
    my $format = shift;
    print $OLD_STDOUT join( '', 'NOTICE: ', sprintf( $format, @_ ));

See Tie::Handle for what all you can override of STDOUT's behavior.

Solution 2:

You can use Perl's select to redirect STDOUT.

open my $fh, ">log.txt";
print "test1\n";
my $current_fh = select $fh;
print "test2\n";
select $current_fh;
print "test3\n";

The file handle could be anything, even a pipe to another process that post processes your log messages.

PerlIO::tee in the PerlIO::Util module seems to allows you to 'tee' the output of a file handle to multiple destinations (e.g. log processor and STDOUT).

Solution 3:

Lots of choices. Use select() to change the filehandle that print defaults to. Or tie STDOUT. Or reopen it. Or apply an IO layer to it.