AppleScript to Rename file list to Specific Names

Solution 1:

– user3439894, Thanks for the Help! This got me really close!

For anyone who needs to do the same thing, here's what I did to make it work. In my circumstance, I needed an application, so I can save it on a hard drive and use it on whatever Mac I'm working on at the time. I didn't need another service to clutter up my menus.

Here's how it's done:

1) Using Automator, create a "new document" type: "Application"

2) Insert "Ask for Finder Items" box and select Type: "Folders".

3) Insert "Get Selected Finder Items" box (below "Ask for Finder Items" box)

4) Insert "Run Shell Script" box. Set Shell: "/bin/bash" set Pass input: "as arguments".

5) Type:

cd "$1" || exit 1

mv TRK01.WAV 01_Lav.WAV 
mv TRK02.WAV 02_HH1.WAV 
mv TRK03.WAV 03_Piano.WAV 
mv TRK04.WAV "04_TR AC.WAV" 
mv TRK05.WAV "05_MX AC.WAV" 
mv TRK06.WAV 06_Bass.WAV
mv TRK07.WAV 07_ElectG.WAV
mv TRK08.WAV 08_KickD.WAV
mv TRK09.WAV 09_Vox1.WAV
mv TRK10.WAV 10_Vox2.WAV
mv TRK11.WAV 11_Vox3.WAV
mv TRK12.WAV 12_Vox4.WAV
mv TRK13.WAV 13_CrowdL.WAV
mv TRK14.WAV 14_CrowdR.WAV
mv TRK15.WAV 15_Aux7_R.WAV
mv TRK16.WAV 16_MainLR_R.WAV

Save the Application to desired location and you're done!