Installing Imagemagick using Homebrew does not give me the imagemagick command

Hello I am trying to use homebrew to install Imagemagick and I use the following command:

brew install imagemagick

The installation finishes with no error and I do get the folder: /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/. But the command is not added to my terminal environment and I cannot find the commandline tools binaries. I have the bin folder in the Cellar folder for imagemagick but not the convert and so on binaries. Am I missing something?

I am running the newest update of macOS Catalina if that is relevant.

There is no imagemagick command. /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/ is the Homebrew folder containing the content of the package. To see the names of the installed commands run

$ ls /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/*/bin
Magick++-config     compare         display         magick-script
MagickCore-config   composite       identify        mogrify
MagickWand-config   conjure         import          montage
animate             convert         magick          stream