How can I determine the source of these notifications? (macOS)

Solution 1:

Prompted by the answer here, it's a good idea to check

  • System Preferences > Notifications.
  • Safari Preferences > Websites, notifications tab. Same for all other browsers.
  • Browser extensions.
  • Search term "computing on demand", "computing" or similar, using apps like EasyFind in the ~/Library Folder first, then the whole computer.

Solution 2: Found this website.

You can also get notifications from websites on your system. Maybe go to the website and check if the notifications are enabled. Click the lock icon to see the notification status. enter image description herescreenshot on how to check notification status

Solution 3:

Open the macOS Console application here /Applications/Utilities/ Then search for any these key phrases:

  • Added notification request
  • Adding notification request
  • pending notification
  • Getting pending notification requests

When you find the notification events in the system log, you can identify which process and bundle ID is generating the notification events.