Non-pejorative synonym of "notoriety"

I'm trying to say:

He probably gained some __________ [good notoriety] from this picture.

I was thinking publicity, but that connotes some kind of negative to me as well (like the stuff you see in gossip magazines at the checkout line).

I want a word as powerfully positive as notoriety is powerfully negative.

Solution 1:

[Public] acclaim is the term I'd use.

acclaim ... noun

Enthusiastic and public praise.

‘she has won acclaim for her commitment to democracy’


From Longman:

• Lamboume's work is not widely known today, yet during the 1950s he received great critical acclaim.

Solution 2:

You could use the word prestige.

1 : standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion

2 : commanding position in people's minds

This word carries a very positive connotation, just as "notoriety" does a negative one.

He probably gained some prestige from this picture.

If you wanted a word that is non-pejorative and possibly has less of a positive connotation, but implies fame as "notoriety" does, you could use repute.

the state of being favorably known, spoken of, or esteemed

In the context of your sentence, it's more likely that you would say reputation.

Solution 3:

Notability is a possibility, though it is more neutral than positive:

2. a. Noteworthiness, distinction, prominence; an instance of this.

"The village of Kexby has always enjoyed a notability out of all relation to its size."