Should I Use the Default SQL Server 2012 Accounts or Make Specific Ones?
I'm installing the 180 day trial of SQL Server 2012 on a virtual machine with the intent of buying a license for it later on. From past experiences with installing SQL Server I would always make specific user accounts for the SQL Server to use. Looking at the installer now, its pre-populating the accounts with specific ones of its own:
- SQL Server Agent - NT Service\SQLSERVERAGENT
- SQL Server Database Engine - NT Service\MSSQLSERVER
- SQL Server Analysis Services - NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService
- SQL Server Reporting Services - NT Service\ReportServer
- SQL Server Integration Services 11.0 - NT Service\MsDtsServer110
- SQL Server Distributed Replay Client - NT Service\SQL Server Distributed Replay Client
- SQL Server Distributed Replay Controller - NT Service\SQL Server Distributed Replay Controller
- SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher - NT Service\MSSQLFDLauncher
In the past (SQL Server 2008 R2) the Agent, Engine, Analysis Services and Reporting Services would be blank and I'd specify the accounts I made. Before I got to this screen on the installation I had already made new user accounts, as domain accounts, but I see that the installer is pre-populating with local accounts.
In the end, should I let the installer make the accounts it wants to make or should I replace them with the accounts I've made?
If you are in an AD environment, I would recommend using AD accounts for SQL Services. When you do things like backup, if you are running under builtin accounts permissions can become a pain (same with things like log shipping).
In other words, I have made the mistake of using the built-in accounts, and learned my lesson :-)